6. Binary fission in amoeba.

AIM:- Binary fission in amoeba.


Permanent slide of amoeba, Compound microscope.

  1. Place the slide on the stage of microscope.
  2. Adjust the mirror of microscope so that maximum light is reflected from the mirror to the slide. Adjust the eye piece of the microscope so that the slide is clearly focused. Observe the slide at first under low power of microscope by its coarse adjustment then observe it under high power by using fine adjustment.

  1. Amoeba is usually irregular in shape. Some of them may be in a state of binary fission. In some stages karyokinesis may be seen.
  2. Others may show the division of cell body, i.e., a cytokinesis. So that an amoeba may divide into two parts, i.e., daughter cells.

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